Several abstracts presented at the Annual meeting of the British Menopause Society and published in Menopause International discuss the role of nurses in providing menopausal care. In one study, the authors discuss the various roles that nurses may provide in menopausal care, ranging from those nurses who may serve as chaperones in exam rooms to the advance practice nurses who may conduct exams and prescribe hormone therapy [1]. In another abstract, some of these same authors describe a course offered to nurses that included the physiology and psychology of menopause, menopause symptomatology, long-term postmenopausal biological effects, hormone replacement therapy and other therapies, evaluation and assessment of the menopause, multidisciplinary practice and sociocultural aspects of menopause care [2]. The nurses who completed the above-mentioned course completed an evaluation that showed that a number of the nurses described their knowledge as moving from ‘poor’ prior to the course to ‘excellent’ following the course.
Susan Wysocki
President and CEO, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Womens Health, Washington, DC, USA -
Ivy M. Alexander
Associate Professor and Director, Adult, Family, Gerontological, and Womens Health, Primary Care Specialty, Yale University, USA
Holloway D, Abernathy K, Hillard A, et al. One-title-nurse, multiple roles, a demonstration of the role of nurses in menopause in the UK. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the British Menopause Society, 2008. Menopause Int 2008;14:189 (abstract). Published December, 2008.
Abernethy K, Bentley GR, Sievert LL, et al. Nurse education in menopause: evaluation of learning in first cohort of a University accredited course in menopause and health. Menopause Int 2008;14:188-92. Published December 2008. -
Alexander IM. Characteristics of and problems with primary care interactions experienced by an ethnically diverse group of women. J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2004;16:300-10. Published July, 2004. -
Christensen CM, Bohmer R, Kenagy J. Will disruptive innovations cure health care? Harv Bus Rev 2000;78:102-12. Published September/October, 2000.