The object of the new IMS Travel Bursaries is to provide the means for young health professionals to attend the 16th World Congress on Menopause in Vancouver on the 6th – 9th June 2018 to further their knowledge of menopause medicine and the many related fields. There are up to 16 awards of £750 each available and we would expect the recipients to become ambassadors in their own countries to share the knowledge they have learned with their peers.
To be eligible, an applicant must be under 40 years of age at the start of the Congress and be the first author of an abstract submitted as a poster or oral communication at the Congress. An interest in one of the fields associated with the menopause would be an advantage.
These bursaries are available for IMS members and non-members alike. To apply, please contact Lee Tomkins, IMS Executive Director, for an application form.