I’ve been reading…
The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill; Churchill’s perspective on the events leading up to and into the second world war.
I’ve been researching…
pharmacologic approaches to relieving menopausal symptoms.
An anecdote…
you may wonder what governments and camels have in common. According to an old Saudi Arabian proverb, “if the camel once gets his nose in a tent, his body will soon follow”.
I’m worried about…
the illusion that government funded studies are not associated with conflicts of interest.
I’ve been thinking…
about approaches to treating conflicts of interest associated with journal publications equally regardless of the funding source of the research.
In my spare time…
I enjoy traveling to get together with friends around the world.
A thorn in my side…
government and other third party payer intervention in the doctor-patient relationship.
What challenges me…
getting some colleagues to spend as much time reviewing the manuscripts of others as others spend reviewing their manuscripts.