The Menopause Foundation of Canada’s landmark report: The Silence and the Stigma: Menopause in Canada is now available to download.
The report reveals that women in the prime of their lives are blindsided by menopause.
- 1 in 2 women are unprepared for menopause
- More than half feel the topic is still taboo
- 4 in 10 feel alone
- Knowledge of menopause symptoms is low
- While women trust their family physician, when they proactively spoke with them about menopause 75% found their advice unhelpful or only somewhat helpful; 40% felt their symptoms were undertreated
- Women face inequities in the workplace as well with the majority feeling their employer does not offer support or not knowing if they do; 87% agreed women need support through menopause
Women deserve to feel healthy and to live their best lives through their menopausal years. Our hope is that the data in the report starts a national conversation that leads to concrete action to address the inequity women face in the prime of their lives.
We urge you to read the report and to share it widely. We look forward to continuing discussion to find meaningful ways we can work together to close the menopause knowledge gap for women and to make sure this area of women’s health is given priority focus.