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IMS Awards and Prizes

Distinguished Service Award (previously Honorary membership)

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) gives lifetime membership for outstanding service to the Society. Any member of the Society can make a suggestion or recommendation for potential recipients. The DSA will be awarded every two years at the President’s Dinner held during the World Congress on menopause for 2-3 people. This is the highest Award offered by the Society and it offers free IMS membership for life.

The candidates are recommended by a  subcommittee consisting of three to five people, with a Chair (either the General Secretary or appointed by the President), one or two other Board members and one other person who is either a past President or an existing Awardee. The subcommittee reports its recommendations to the President who gives approval on the list of potential candidates and then the final decision is made by the Board of Trustees. The secretariat is provided by the CEO who acts in an ex-officio capacity throughout the process.

1990    Malcolm Whitehead (UK)
1993    Wulf H. Utian (AUS)
1996    Henry Burger (US)
1999    Monique Boulet (FR) (Deceased)
2002    Hermann P. G. Schneider (GER)
2005    Andrea R. Genazzani (IT)
2008    Alastair H. MacLennan (AUS)
2008    Amos Pines (IR)
2011    David W. Sturdee (UK)
2011    Regine L. Sitruk-Ware (USA)
2011    Jean Wright  (UK)
2014    Tobie de Villiers  (SA)
2014    David Archer  (USA)
2014    Martin Birkhauser (SW)
2016    Rodney Baber (AUS)
2016    Anne Gompel (FR)
2016    Rogerio Lobo (USA)

Honorary membership updated as Distinguished Service Award

2018    Mary Ann Lumsden (UK)
2018    Nestor Siseles (ARG)
2020    Susan Davis (AUS)
2020    Victor Henderson (USA)
2022    Steven Goldstein (USA)
2022    Camil Castelo-Branco (ESP)
2024    Duru Shah (IND)
2024    Nick Panay (UK)

Lifetime Achievement Award

This Award is given to someone who has made an outstanding achievement to the world of menopause and doesn’t necessarily need to be an IMS member. It gives recognition of a body of work and excellence in the field of clinical research, and recognition as a ‘pillar in this field’.

The recipient is chosen by a subcommittee chaired by the President-elect with 3 other judges invited, including a current Board member, a past President, and one other member in good standing. The secretariat is provided by the CEO who acts in an ex-officio capacity throughout the process.

First awarded in 2018

2018    David Archer (USA)
2020    Henry Burger (AUS) & Wulf Utian (SA/USA)
2022    Andrea Genazzani (ITA) & Lila Nachtigall (USA)
2024    Elaine Jolly (CAN)  & Rodney Baber (AUS)

Henry Burger Award

This award honours the great contribution that Professor Henry Burger has made to the field of menopause. It is given to the investigator whose published research is determined to have the most significant contribution to the field of menopause, specifically the work done in the previous five years.

A subcommittee, chaired by the President-elect with 3 other invited judges, including one current Board member, a past President, and one other member in good standing, will review evidence, including impact factors and citations, to determine the influence of the nominee’s research on education and clinical practice. The publications must have been in the public domain via a peer-reviewed journal, in print, or e-publication during the qualifying period. Professor Henry Burger is also consulted and the President gives final approval of the recipient. The secretariat is provided by the CEO who acts in an ex-officio capacity throughout the process.

Established in 2008

2008    JoAnn Manson (USA)
2011    Susan Davis (AUS)
2014    Frank Stanczyk (USA)
2016    Rebecca Thurston (USA)
2018    Irene Lambrinoudaki (GR)
2020    Nanette Santoro (USA)
2022    Byung-Koo Yoon (KOR)
2024    Panagiotis Anagnostis (GR)

Robert Greenblatt Prizes

This award, created in honour of the first IMS President, is given to 1 or 2 investigators who present the best oral presentations in menopause-related basic or clinical science in a special award session at the World Congress. Candidates must be under 40 years of age (on day one of the Congress), not a past recipient of this award, and first author of the submitted abstract (only one abstract per candidate).

Established in 1990

1990    Tim Hillard (UK)
1993    Susan Davis (AUS)
1999    H J Teede (AUS)
2002    Rebecca Goldstat (AUS)

Awards updated and given to two categories

Basic Science                                                Clinical

2005    Tommaso Simoncini (IT)               Hachul de Campos (BR)
2008    Ana Mossad-Costa (BR)                 Cassandra Szoeke (AUS)
2011    Jenifer Sassarini (UK)                     Angelo Santamaria (IT)
2014    Carlos Escalante (COL)                  Roisin Worsley (UK)
2016    Kate McClaren (UK)                        Gianluca  Di Luigi (IT)

Awards updated and given to the two best Abstracts in basic science or clinical management

2018    Jenifer Sassarini (UK)                                      Sandra M Bonilla (BR)
2020    Alejandra Martinez Garcia (AUS/CHI)         Juliana (Jewel) Kling (USA)
2022    Ann-Sophie Page (BEL)                                    Stasa Stankovic (UK)
2024    Mícheál Ó Breasail (AUS)

The Wulf Utian IMS/CAMS Award for Achievement in Furthering Women’s Health

This Award is given in recognition of Professor Wulf Utian who originally set up the Council of Affiliated Menopause Societies (CAMS). It can be given to any member who has supported their local CAMS or does great work in their own country to further education on menopause. It can be nominated by a CAMS, or self-nominated and could include those who make an outstanding contribution to World Menopause Day or any other educational initiatives.

A subcommittee comprised of the CAMS Officers plus a past President or previous Chairman of CAMS recommends the recipient to the President and the Board of Trustees for final approval. Professor Utian is also consulted re: the final recipient of the Award.

First awarded in 2018

2018    Sunila Khandelwal (IN)
2022    Nilson Roberto de Melo (BRA)
2024    Delfin Tan (PHI)

Presidential Award

This award is given as a special recognition for outstanding service to the Society during that President’s term. The award is determined solely by the President. A special plaque is given to the Awardee at the President’s dinner at the World Congress.

First awarded in 2018

2018    Duru Shah (IN)
2020    Khunying Kobchitt Limpaphayom (THA)
2022    Peter Schnatz (USA) & Rebecca Cheshire (USA)
2024    Cynthia Stuenkel (USA)


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