Changes Before the Change
World Menopause Day 2017 – Patient Information Leaflet
Do What Makes Your Heart Healthy
World Menopause Day 2016 – Patient Information Leaflet
Maintaining Health and Preventing Disease After the Menopause
World Menopause Day 2014 – Patient Information Leaflet
Patient Information Leaflet - Sexual wellbeing after menopause
This patient information leaflet, produced as part of World Menopause Day 2018, is a guide to help women in mid life find their way through any sexual problems which can severely impair their relationships, mental health, social functioning and overall quality of life.
Russian | Bangla | Croatian | Hebrew | English | LA Spanish | Italian
Patient Information Leaflet: Brain Fog and Memory Difficulties in Menopause
IMS has produced the Patient Information Leaflet as part of World Menopause Day 2022 to help women to better understand the condition and how it can be managed and treated.
To download and read the Patient Information Leaflet, click on the appropriate language below:
English | Arabic | Bangla | Chinese | Croatian | Dutch | French | Hindi | Italian | Icelandic | Mongolian | Portuguese | Spanish
Patient Information Leaflet: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
IMS has produced this Patient Information Leaflet as part of World Menopause Day 2020 to help women to better understand the condition and how it can be managed and treated.
Arabic | Chinese | Croatian | Czech | Dutch | English | German | Hindi | Hungarian | Indonesian | Italian | Mongolian | Portuguese | Spanish
Patient Information Leaflet: Testosterone for Women at Midlife
A complete review of all the published studies published in 2019 has shown that postmenopausal women who experience a reduction in sexual desire, that causes them personal concern or distress, may benefit from testosterone therapy.
Dutch | Italian | Russian | Hungarian | Czech | Croatian | English | Spanish | Chinese | Thai
Patient Information Leaflet: Update on Bone Health
IMS has produced this Patient Information Leaflet as part of World Menopause Day 2021 to help women to better understand the condition and how it can be managed and treated.
English | Bangla | Chinese | Croatian | Dutch | French | German | Gujarati | Hindi | Italian | Mongolian | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish
Patient Information Sheets from the Australasian Menopause Society
The Council of the Australasian Menopause Society (AMS) has very kindly given permission for the AMS Patient Information Sheets to be posted onto the website of the International Menopause Society (IMS)
Vaginal Atrophy – a Change with the Menopause
The IMS is grateful for permission to adapt for global use the information sheet that was originally produced by the Australasian Menopause Society. Health-care providers and women may read and download the leaflet – in English and seven other languages – by clicking on the links below. Please note that the medical and scientific information provided might not be relevant to a particular woman’s circumstances and should always be discussed with her own health-care provider.
Chinese | Arabic | English | French | German | Hindi | Italian | Spanish
What Comes to Mind: Menopause and the Aging Brain
World Menopause Day 2015 – Patient Information Leaflet