About Canadian Menopause Society/Société Canadienne de Ménopause
WELCOME! Canadian Menopause Society/Société Canadienne de Ménopause (CMS/SCM, formerly SIGMA Canadian Menopause Society) is a non-profit organization registered under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. We are a multidisciplinary group of healthcare providers consisting of family physicians, specialists and other healthcare professionals who are interested in menopausal and postmenopausal health.
Our mission is to advance the health of women, at, and beyond the menopause transition through educational programs and practice-based initiatives. CMS/SCM has been providing leadership and support services to Canadian healthcare providers and women since 2008. Our multidisciplinary approach and inter-professional network of Canadian healthcare providers dedicated to the care of women at this important stage of life has been the key to our leadership.
Contact Email: info@sigmamenopause.com
Website: https://www.sigmamenopause.com
Upcoming Events
Primer course webinar on Oct 5, 2024: an accredited group learning activity.
Scan the QR code for more details.
On-Demand Program for Menopause Vancouver Conference:
The Canadian Menopause Society is happy to announce that we are now offering the On-Demand Program for Menopause Vancouver Conference! Our live conference was held on Nov 10-11, 2023 at the Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel in Vancouver with the theme of “Menopause: Modernizing Management.” After many inquiries of a virtual option, we are launching the On-Demand Program for this meeting. Click here for the program.
Past President
Wendy Wolfman (MD, FRCSC, FACOG, NCMP)
Toronto, ON
Dr. Wolfman is the Director of the Menopause and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Clinics at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto. She is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Toronto and first recipient of the Carol Mitchell Chair in Menopause. She is a Board Member and co-head of the education committee of the International Menopause Society.
Nese Yuksel (BSc.Pharm, Pharm.D, FCSHP, NCMP)
Edmonton, AB
Dr. Yuksel is the President Elect of the Canadian Menopause Society. She is currently a full Professor with the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta. Additionally, she holds a cross-appointment with Alberta Health Services and practices in the Menopause Clinics at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women and the Multidisciplinary Bone Health Clinic at the University of Alberta Hospital.
Vice President
Céline Bouchard (MD, FRCSC)
Québec City, QC
Dr. Bouchard is a Canadian Obstetrician Gynecologist practicing in Quebec City with special interest in menopause and vulvovaginal diseases. She is a Fellow of the International Society of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) and is recognized for her expertise in this field by many of her colleagues. Dr Bouchard has been involved in women’s health research for many years and involved as co-investigator in many trials on menopausal hormone therapy.
Susan Goldstein (MD, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP)
Toronto, ON.
Dr. Goldstein is a Family Physician and Assistant Professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the University of Toronto and treasurer of the Canadian Menopause Society. Her clinical and research activities reflect her special interests in medical education, faculty development, and mature women’s health. She is the author of the MQ6 menopausal assessment tool
Shafeena Premji (MD, CCFP, MHA, BSc, NCMP)
Calgary, AB
Dr. Premji is Medical Director/Founder of Mahogany Medical Clinic and The Village Medical – two family practice clinics with a special focus on Women’s Health which offers maternity care, breastfeeding support, pelvic health, contraception, and peri-menopause/menopause.
Executive Director
Chui Kin Yuen (MD, FRCSC, ABOG,MBA)
Vancouver, BC
Dr. Yuen is the founder and current executive director of the Canadian Menopause Society. He is a retired physician in Vancouver.
Board Members
Jeanne Bouteaud (MDCM, M.Sc, FRCSC)
Montreal, QC
Kelsey Mills (MD, MSc HSEd, FRCSC, NCMP)
Victoria, BC
Karen Desrosiers (MD, FRCSC)
Dieppe, NB
Michelle Jacobson (MD, FRCSC, MHSc, NCMP)
Toronto ON
Debra Evaniuk (MD, FRCSC, NCMP)
Winnipeg, MB
Radomir Jarcevic (MD, FRCSC)
Outremont, QC
Alison Shea (MD, PhD, FRCSC,NCMP)
Hamilton, ON
Research Activities
- CMS/Pfizer Research Award for Young Scholars: this award is to support a physician (specialist/family physician/physician trainee) or a health care provider (pharmacist or menopause nurse) with special interest in menopause to conduct a relevant research project in the area of menopausal health (https://www.sigmamenopause.com/professionals/news/new-cmspfizer-research-award )
- MQ6: Menopause Quick 6 (MQ6) is an efficient menopause assessment tool for both physicians and patients. (https://www.mq6.ca)
Educational resources
- Presentations (members only): Slide kits of Updated Canadian Guidelines on Menopause & Osteoporosis Canadian Menopause Guidelines https://www.sigmamenopause.com/members/cms-scm-presentations
- Brochures: https://www.sigmamenopause.com/consumers/publications
- Menopause
- 12 Myths About Menopause Explained
- Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHT Pamphlet)
- Facing Menopause? Empower Yourself
- Menopause: Frequently Asked Questions
- Menopause: Managing Symptoms, Improving Health
- Menopause Pocket Guide
- Menopause: Times Have Changed, Let’s Talk
- Menopause Treatment Options – Making the Right Choice for YOU
- Vaginal Atrophy: When Sex Hurts
- Osteoporosis
- Menopause
Upcoming Events
- Ambassador Programs for Young Scholars
Collaborating organizations
- European Menopause and Andropause Society: https://emas-online.org/
- International Osteoporosis Foundation: https://www.osteoporosis.foundation/
- Osteoporosis Canada https://osteoporosis.ca/
- Menopause Foundation of Canada: https://menopausefoundationcanada.ca/
- The Menopause Society (formerly North American Menopause Society): https://menopause.org/
- The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: https://www.menopauseandu.ca/
- We are thrilled to share the news that Janet Ko, President and Co-founder of Menopause Foundation of Canada, our collaborating sister organization, has been named one of the 2023 Top 25 Women of Influence Recipient https://www.womenofinfluence.ca/2023/03/07/breaking-barriers-empowering-communities-mobilizing-change-meet-the-2023-top-25-women-of-influence-recipients/
- Menopause stories in 2023: https://www.sigmamenopause.com/professionals/news/menopause-stories-new-year
Social Media
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SIGMACMS1
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/sigmamenopause
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canadianmenopausesociety/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Why Join CMS/SCM
Calling all obstetricians/gynecologists, family physicians, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, pharmacists, residents, medical students, pelvic floor physiotherapists and all other allied HCPs providing menopausal care.
Become a member* of the Canadian Menopause Society/Société Canadienne de Ménopause (CMS/SCM) and join us in our mission of advancing the health of women in Canada at and beyond the menopausal transition! Menopause is having a moment and we want to keep the momentum going and help you build your tool box of knowledge and education on this topic!
Stay up to date with the latest evidence-based information, research, and therapies. In addition, you will have the following member benefits:
- Reduced registration fee for CMS/SCM Regional and National Menopause Conferences
- Exclusive access to the “members area” where you can download slides and videos on the website
- Exclusive access to the members only social media platforms (private Facebook page)
- Eligibility for CMS/SCM awards
- Potential to become a future Board Member or Committee Member
- Access to reduced registration fee for IMS World Congress
- Access to “Menopause Live” from the IMS site
- IMS membership online special offer for CMS members who are not currently enrolled in IMS membership. You can choose one of the three following options to join IMS membership
1) one year free limited professional membership
2) 20% discount on Full Membership (£100 instead of £125);
3) 50% discount on Full Membership (£62.50 instead of £125 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries) - Reduced membership fee to join European Menopause and Andropause Society
- Access to free registration for the IOF World Congress in Osteoporosis (April 11-14, 2024 London, limited to 20 participants per World Congress) and the IOF Regional Congress (limited to 2 participants per regional congress)
- Free limited quantity of printed materials as featured on our website (currently out of stock)
Click here for online application: https://www.sigmamenopause.com/professionals/membership
*Note: You consent to receive emails, news and other communications from the CMS/SCM by applying for membership.