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The International Menopause Society (IMS) established the Council of Affiliated Menopause Societies (CAMS) to support the delivery of the society’s Mission and Vision. CAMS is comprised of national and regional menopause societies. CAMS also provides support to establish menopause societies in areas where there are none.

CAMS has the following objectives:

  1. To establish connectivity and partnership working across the national and regional menopause societies and with the IMS.
  2. To actively engage in the delivery of IMS educational activities, events and World Congress, to support the development of new initiatives, and to encourage membership of the IMS within their country/region.


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Steering Committee  CAMS Members

CAMS Steering Committee

M.Fidel Ganis Siregar

Asia Pacific Menopause Federation

Sylvia Rosevear

Australasian Menopause Society

Zinnat Nasreen

Bangladesh Menopause Society

Marina Sprem Goldstajn

Croatian Menopause Society

Ivan Fistonic

Croatian Menopause Society

Dimitrios Goulis

European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS)

Antonio Cano

European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS)

Anne Gompel

French Menopause Society (GEMVI)

Katrin Schaudig

German Menopause Society

Attila Jakab

Hungarian Menopause Society

Pushpa Sethi

Indian Menopause Society

Duru Shah

Indian Menopause Society

Tita Husnitawati Madjid

Indonesian Menopause Society

Angelo Cagnacci

Italian Menopause Society

Abeer Annab

Jordanian Menopause Society

Choon Moy Ho

Malaysian Menopause Society

Premitha Damodaran

Malaysian Menopause Society

Víctor Manuel Vargas Hernández

Mexican Menopause Society (AMEC)

Sumbul Sohail

Pakistan Menopause Society

Decebal Hudita

Romanian Menopause Society

Antonina Smetnik

Russian Federation Menopause Society

Polyphile Ntihinyurwa

Rwanda Menopause Society

Tsai Yung-Chieh

Taiwan Menopause Society

Unnop Jaisamrarn

Thai Menopause Society

Sukanya Chaikittisilpa

Thai Menopause Society

Levent Senturk

Turkish Menopause Society

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CAMS Members

Follow the link on the Society Name to either their IMS Micro-site or their own website (if they have one).

Country                     Society Name
Asia Pacific
APMF                                                 The Asia Pacific Menopause Federation
Australasia                                       Australasian Menopause Society
Bangladesh                                      Bangladesh Menopause Society
China                                                 Chinese Menopause Society
India                                                  Indian Menopause Society
Indonesia (PERMINESIA)                Perkumpulan Menopause Indonesia
Japan                                                 Japan Society for Menopause and Women’s Health
Korea                                                 Korean Society of Menopause
Malaysia                                            Malaysian Menopause Society
Mongolia (MMAS)                            Mongolian Menopause and Andropause Society
Pakistan                                            Pakistan Menopause Society
Philippines (PSCM)                          Philippine Society of Climacteric Medicine
SAFOMS                                            South Asian Federation of Menopause Societies
Singapore                                         Singapore Menopause Society
Taiwan                                              Taiwanese Menopause Society
Thailand                                           Thai Menopause Society
Europe / Africa / Middle East
Austria                                              Austrian Menopause Society
Belgium                                            Belgian Menopause Society
Britain                                               British Menopause Society
Croatia                                              Croatian Menopause Society
Czech Republic                                Czech Menopause and Andropause Society
Egypt                                                 Egyptian Society of Menopause
EMAS                                                 European Menopause and Andropause Society
France (GEMVI)                                Groupe étude de la ménopause et du vieillissement hormonal
Germany                                           German Menopause Society
Greece                                              Hellenic Society for the Study of Climacterium and Menopause
Hungary                                            Hungarian Menopause Society
Iceland                                              Iceland Menopause Society
Ireland                                              Menopause Society of Ireland
Israel                                                 Israel Menopause Society
Italy (SIM)                                         Societa Italiana della Menopausa
Jordan                                               Jordanian Menopause Society
Malta                                                 The Foundation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Menopause Society
Netherlands                                     Dutch Menopause Society
Poland                                               Polish Menopause and Andropause Society
Portugal                                            Portuguese Menopause Society
Romania (AMMR)                            Asociatia Medicala de Menopauza din Romania
Russia                                               Russian Society of Gynecological Endocrinology and Menopause
Rwanda                                            Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
South Africa (SAMS)                       South African Menopause Society
Spain (AEEM)                                   Asociacion Espanola para el Estudio fde la Menopausia
Switzerland                                      Swiss Menopause Society
Turkey                                               Turkish Menopause and Osteoporosis Society
United Arab Emirates                     Emirates Medical Association Menopause Society
Americas / Caribbean
Argentina (AAPEC)                           Asociacion Argentina Para el Estudio del Climaterio
Argentina (AAMA)                            The Argentine Association of Menopause and Andropause
Bolivia (ASBOCLIM)                          Bolivian Association of Climacteric and Menopause
Brazil (SOBRAC)                                Brazilian Menopause and Climacteric Society
Canada                                              The Canadian Menopause Society
Chile (SOCHICLIM)                           Sociedad Chilena de Climaterio
Colombia                                           Asociacion Colombiana de Menopausia
Costa Rica (ACCYM)                         Costa Rican Association of Climacteric and Menopause
Dominican Republic                        Sociedad Dominicana de Menopausia
Ecuador (SECLIM)                             Ecuadorian Climacteric and Menopause Society
El Salvador                                         El Salvador Menopause Society
FLASCYM                                            Federacion LatinoAmericana de Asociaciones y Sociedades de Climaterio y Menopausia
FRACYM                                             Federacion Region A de Climaterio y Menopausia
Guatemala (AGCYM)                        Guatemala Menopause Society
Honduras (AHCYM)                          Honduras Menopause Society
Mexico (AMEC)                                  Asociacion Mexicana para el Estudio del Climaterio
Nicaragua (ANCYM)                          Asociacion Nicaraguense de Climaterio y Menopausia
North America (NAMS)                    North American Menopause Society
Panama (SPOG)                                Sociedad Panamena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (Seccion de Climaterio)
Paraguay                                            Sociedad Paraguaya de Climaterio y Menopausia
Peru                                                    Sociedad Peruana del Climaterio
Uruguay                                             Uruguay Menopause Society

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International Menopause Society

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