The Officers and Board are very pleased to announce that this prestigious bursary was awarded to Dr Bertin Sintini from Rwanda at the 16th World Congress on the Menopause in Vancouver, Canada in June 2018 after tough competition from applicants from Mongolia, Australia and Colombia.
The title of his research is in three parts:
- Assessment of the awareness, severity and management of postmenopausal symptoms among postmenopausal women attending referral hospitals in Rwanda and their satisfaction.
- To assess attitudes and practice of providers regarding postmenopausal symptoms and factors affecting accurate management.
- Presenting the results to the various stakeholders for remedial action and to establish a national menopause society.
His research will be supervised by Dr David Ntirushwa, Dr Maria Small and Prof Stephen Rulisa.
Preference was given to applicants from countries where opportunities for research and funding are limited. A subcommittee of the IMS Board considered the applications which were all at a very high standard and made proposals of awards and the amount for the Board to approve. All final research findings will be presented at the 17th IMS World Congress in Melbourne, Australia in May 2020 and any findings submitted to Climacteric for publication, if appropriate.